
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Back in Canada, but still on track!

Hey everybody!

Just a quick update! I am back in Canada after completing my masters degree at UVa, but Stacee and I are still moving ahead on the shark fin possession ban in Virginia and continue to need your help. We will be updating our campaign status in a few days and setting down the schedule we hope to follow. In the meantime, please continue to spread the word, invite your friends to follow the blog, sign the petition, or post the blog to your Facebook page so we can get the word out there.

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Washington's ban is signed into law!

It's official! The proposed ban in Washington has been signed into law as well! (Sorry I'm a few days late in posting this news!)

The Seattle Times - Wash. bans sale, trade of shark fins

Friday, May 13, 2011

Richmond Times-Dispatch Op/Ed on Shark Finning, Shark Fin Soup and Virginia


Stacee and I are very excited about the op-ed that ran today in the Richmond Times-Dispatch. It details our perception of this issue and really announces our intentions to pursue this issue vigorously. if you did not have a chance to read it, the link below will take you to it. Any suggestions and comments are welcome!

Thanks for reading!

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Ocean Conservancy is asking for your help! Especially if you are a CA resident!

Help The Ocean Conservancy in their efforts to support California's ban on shark fins! Sign their form letter, or write one of your own!

Ocean Conservancy Form Letter!

Shark Fin Ban Passes in the Oregon House... now, off to the Senate!

Just to keep my readers apprised of the situation that is unfolding elsewhere in the country, the Oregon House has just passed the bill that seeks to ban shark fin possession, trade, and therefore shark fin soup.

This is quite excellent.

Now, the bill is off to the Senate! Fingers crossed.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Power of Media

Because we believe in the power of words and of appropriate coverage of an issue, attached below are a few more news articles from various media sources, demonstrating how this issue has emerged as a legitimate issue for conservative, liberal, and neutral outlets:


Fox News:

The Washington Post:

Thanks for taking the time to check this out!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New Data on the Profitability of Live Sharks!

So for those of us following this issue, we are well aware of the figures suggesting that the shark fin trade is a really lucrative business throughout the world. The last estimates that I have reviewed suggest that the fin trade accounts for upwards of US$550 million dollars.

I would like to thank one of our followers for bringing my attention to the following study, suggesting that in many areas of the world sharks are worth far more alive than dead. This is most definitely encouraging.

Check it out!

Also see:

This is great news and hopefully these figures will catch on and we will start to understand the importance of living together and benefitting mutually.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Demise of Dusky Sharks... This Matters to Virginia!

The news is hitting home. A recent scientific report investigates the DNA from different shark populations looking for linkages and notes that the dusky shark, a species that reproduces off of Virginia's coast, is heavily impacted by the shark fin trade.

See the full story here:

It is important to note that it is essential we try to protect the species that reproduce off our coasts since once they are out in the high seas there is no way to properly/effectively regulate and conserve.

Awareness of Shark Finning Problem Now Mainstream and Gaining Momentum

One of the most exciting aspects of our campaign is that media is already starting to do some of the work for us. What might have been a relatively obscure issue just 6 or 12 months ago has suddenly become  a matter of national attention, receiving coverage in major newspapers and even forming the basis of an upcoming mayoral election in San Francisco. Regardless of the opinion that you subscribe to, it is heartening to see that shark finning has become an issue that warrants national attention. Perhaps recent coverage by the New York Times highlights this.

In light of these recent developments, I have included the links to some of the major news outlets that are actively covering this issue, making it an issue of national importance...

The New York Times on Changing Attitudes in China...

The situation in California as described in The New York Times...

The environmental costs of shark finning...

Actress Kristen Bell discusses shark conservation on Jay Leno (at the third minute)!

Kristen Bell- "Everyone is killing sharks and we don't even know about it"...