
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Awareness of Shark Finning Problem Now Mainstream and Gaining Momentum

One of the most exciting aspects of our campaign is that media is already starting to do some of the work for us. What might have been a relatively obscure issue just 6 or 12 months ago has suddenly become  a matter of national attention, receiving coverage in major newspapers and even forming the basis of an upcoming mayoral election in San Francisco. Regardless of the opinion that you subscribe to, it is heartening to see that shark finning has become an issue that warrants national attention. Perhaps recent coverage by the New York Times highlights this.

In light of these recent developments, I have included the links to some of the major news outlets that are actively covering this issue, making it an issue of national importance...

The New York Times on Changing Attitudes in China...

The situation in California as described in The New York Times...

The environmental costs of shark finning...

Actress Kristen Bell discusses shark conservation on Jay Leno (at the third minute)!

Kristen Bell- "Everyone is killing sharks and we don't even know about it"...


  1. Great post, shark finning has been getting a lot of media attention in Canada lately - about time!

  2. It is really great that shark finning is getting the media attention it deserves. This has been a contentious issue for animal rights activists for some time and hopefully now it will become an issue for the public at large. We can only hope that this attention continues so that we can finally put an end to the needless suffering of these beautiful animals. Keep up the great work guys!!
